
Ideological and populist bases of partisan responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America

de la Cerda, Nicolás, Jonathan Hartlyn, and Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo. 2024. “Ideological and populist bases of partisan responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America’’. Journal of Politics in Latin America 16(2), 252-271. Paper.

Are party families in Europe ideologically coherent today?

de la Cerda, Nicolás and Jacob Gunderson. 2024. “Are party families in Europe ideologically coherent today?”. European Journal of Political Research 63(3), 1208-1226. Paper.

Revisiting Party System Structuration in Latin America and Europe: Economic and Socio-Cultural Dimensions

Martínez-Gallardo, Cecilia, Nicolás de la Cerda, Jonathan Hartlyn, Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, and Gary Marks. 2023. “Revisiting Party System Structuration in Latin America and Europe: Economic and Socio-Cultural Dimensions”. Party Politics. 29(4), 780-792. Paper.

Mexico: A Politically Effective Populist Pandemic Response

de la Cerda, Nicolás and Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo. 2022. “Mexico: A Politically Effective Populist Pandemic Response”. Book chapter in Populists and the Pandemic: How Populists Around the World Respond to COVID-19. Lucio Renno and Nils Ringe, eds. Routledge. Book Chapter.

Unstable Identities: The Decline of Partisanship in Contemporary Chile

de la Cerda, Nicolás. 2022. “Unstable Identities: The Decline of Partisanship in Contemporary Chile”. Journal of Politics in Latin America. 14(1), 3-30. Paper.

Ideological Preferences and Evolution of the Religious Cleavage in Chile, 1998–2014

Bargsted, Matías and Nicolás de la Cerda. 2019. “Ideological Preferences and Evolution of the Religious Cleavage in Chile, 1998–2014”. Latin American Research Review 54(2), 348–365. Paper.

Participación ciudadana en las elecciones municipales 2012: diagnóstico y propuestas en torno al sistema de voto voluntario

Bargsted, Matías, Sebastián Valenzuela, Nicolás de la Cerda, and Bernardo Mackenna. 2013. “Participación ciudadana en las elecciones municipales 2012: diagnóstico y propuestas en torno al sistema de voto voluntario”. In Ignacio Irarrázaval, María de los Angeles Morandé, and Magdalena Letelier (eds), Propuestas para Chile, chapter 1, pages 23–50. Book Chapter.